Post Widgets – HT Mega Addons for Elementor An Absolute Elementor Addon Tue, 04 Apr 2023 05:05:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Post Widgets – HT Mega Addons for Elementor 32 32 News Ticker Widget Sat, 02 Jul 2022 09:28:32 +0000 The HT Mega Elementor News Ticker widget highlights the latest news headline or significant posts’ title in a scroller with incredible animation effects. Different layouts with different styles are available.

How to use a News Ticker Widget of HTMega Addons

You can see the below video to get an insight into how you can use the News Ticker Widget to create beautiful designs. Or you can follow the documentation, whichever you find convenient.

Steps of adding News Ticker Widget

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, turn ON the “News Ticker” widget.

Step 1: How to Enable News Ticker Widget?

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Step 2: How to use the News Ticker Widget?

To add the News Ticker widget, search by News Ticker and use the widget that has the “HT badge”

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Drag and drop the HT Mega News Ticker widget onto the Page Template.

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Step 3: How to customize the News Ticker Widget?

Style: You can change the style as you need
Ticker Label: You can set text as you need
Label Icon: You can change icon image as you need
Row Height: You can change the row height as you need
Maxium Row: You can change the maxium row as you need
Animation Speed: You can change the animation speed as you need
Animatied duration: You can change the animatied duration as you need
Direction: You can change the direction as you need
Date: You can change the Date as you need
Auto Start: You can change the auto start as you need
Pause on hover: You can change the pause on hover as you need

News Ticker: You can customize the News Ticker as you need

Content Option: You can customize the content option as you need

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Navigation Button: You can customize the navigation button as you need

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

How to customize the News Ticker style

News Box Style: You can customize the style of News Box Style as you like

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Content: You can customize the style of Content as you like

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Label: You can customize the style of Label as you like

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Navigation: You can customize the style of the Navigation as you like

HT Mega Elementor News Ticker Widget

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the News Ticker widget. Follow this link to see more Demos

HT Mega - An Absolute Elementor Addon for Elementor Page Builder | Part 1 nonadult
Post Slider Widget Sat, 02 Jul 2022 09:23:50 +0000 The HT Mega Elementor Post Slider Widget is a dynamic slider that presents your posts with images attractively with sliders. You can show any post type of content using this widget.

How to use a Post Slider Widget of HTMega Addons

You can see the below video to get an insight into how you can use the Post Slider Widget to create beautiful designs. Or you can follow the documentation whichever you find convenient.

Steps of adding Post Slider Widget

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, turn ON the “Post Slider” widget.

Step 1: How to Enable Post Slider?

Step 2: How to use the Post Slider Widget?

To add the Post Slider widget, search by Post Slider and use the widget that has the “HT badge”

Drag and drop the HT Mega Post Slider widget onto the Page Template.

Step 3: How to customize the Post Slider Widget?

Content :

Style: You have 7 different styles of Post Slider. You can choose your style from the selected options.

Post Option: You can change the Customize according to your needs

Slider Option: You can change the Customize according to your needs

How to customize the Post Slider style

Slider Image Style: You can customize the style of the Slider Image Style as you like

Content Box Style: You can customize the style of the Content Box Style as you like

Title: You can customize the style of the Title as you like

Content: You can customize the style of the Content as you like

Category: You can customize the style of the Category as you like

Meta: You can customize the style of the Meta as you like

Read More: You can customize the style of the Read More as you like

Content: You can customize the style of the Content as you like

Post Slider Widget

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Post Slider widget. Follow this link to see more Demos

How to use accordion widget using HT Mega Elementor addon | Part 2 nonadult
Post Grid Tab Widget Sat, 02 Jul 2022 09:15:53 +0000 The HT Mega Elementor Post Grid Tab widget allows you to show your blog posts in a tabbed format so that the readers can easily navigate through them. This widget’s design is customizable and comes with various layouts.

How to use a Post Grid Tab Widget of HTMega Addons

You can see the below video to get an insight into how you can use the Post Grid Tab Widget to create beautiful designs. Or you can follow the documentation whichever you find convenient.

Steps of adding Post Grid Tab Widget

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, turn ON the “Post Grid Tab” widget.

Step 1: How to Enable Post Grid Tab?

Step 2: How to use the Post Grid Tab Widget?

To add the Post Grid Tab widget, search by Post Grid Tab and use the widget that has the “HT badge”

Drag and drop the HT Mega Post Grid Tab widget onto the Page Template.

Step 3: How to customize the Post Grid Tab Widget?

Content :

Style: You have 5 different styles of Post Grid Tab. You can choose your style from the selected options.

Post Option: You can change the Customized according to your needs

How to customize the Post Grid Tab style

Expand Box Style: You can customize the style of the Expand Box Style as you like

Title: You can customize the style of the Title as you like

Content: You can customize the style of the Content as you like

Category: You can customize the style of the Category as you like

Meta: You can customize the style of the Meta as you like

Read More: You can customize the style of the Read More as you like

Close: You can customize the style of the Close as you like

Group Item Style: You can customize the style of the Group Item Style as you like

Custom Gradient Color: You can customize the style of the Custom Gradient Color as you like

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Post Grid Tab widget. Follow this link to see more Demos

How to use accordion widget using HT Mega Elementor addon | Part 2 nonadult
Post Grid Widget Sat, 02 Jul 2022 09:13:20 +0000 HT Mega Elementor Post Grid widget displays posts in the grid. This widget is a valuable and straightforward widget for displaying articles from your blog with multiple options.

How to use a Post Grid Widget of HTMega Addons

You can see the below video to get an insight into how you can use the Post Grid Widget to create beautiful designs. Or you can follow the documentation whichever you find convenient.

Steps of adding Post Grid Widget

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, turn ON the “Post Grid” widget.

Step 1: How to Enable Post Grid?

Step 2: How to use the Post Grid Widget?

To add the Post Grid widget, search by Post Grid and use the widget that has the “HT badge”

Drag and drop the HT Mega Post Grid widget onto the Page Template.

Step 3: How to customize the Post Grid Widget?

Content :

Style: You have 5 different styles of Post Grid. You can choose your style from the select options

Post Option: You can change the Customize according to your needs

How to customize the Post Grid style

Post Items Box Style: You can customize the style of the Post Items Box Style as you like

Custom Gradient Color: You can customize the style of the Custom Gradient Color as you like

Title: You can customize the style of the Title as you like

Date: You can customize the style of the Date as you like

Category: You can customize the style of the Category as you like

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Post Grid widget. Follow this link to see more Demos

How to use accordion widget using HT Mega Elementor addon | Part 2 nonadult
Single Post Widget Sat, 02 Jul 2022 08:44:54 +0000 The HT Mega Elementor Single Post widget will allow you to highlight a single post on your website. This widget allows for more flexibility when it comes to displaying individual posts in different ways.

How to use a Single Post Widget of HTMega Addons

You can see the below video to get an insight into how you can use the Single Post Widget to create beautiful designs. Or you can follow the documentation whichever you find convenient.

Steps of adding Single Post Widget

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, turn ON the “Single Post” widget.

Step 1: How to Enable Single Post?

Step 2: How to use the Single Post Widget?

To add the Single Post widget, search by Single Post and use the widget that has the “HT badge”

Drag and drop the HT Mega Single Post widget onto the Page Template.

Step 3: How to customize the Single Post Widget?

Content :

Style: You have 4 different styles of Single Post. You can choose your style from the selected options

Content Position: You have 2 different Content Position of the Content Position. You can choose your Content Position from the selected options

Post Name: You can change the Post Name according to your needs

Additional Option: You can change the according to your needs

How to customize the Single Post style

Title: You can customize the style of the Title as you like

Category: You can customize the style of the Category as you like

Meta: You can customize the style of the Meta as you like

Content Box: You can customize the style of the Content Box as you like

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Single Post widget. Follow this link to see more Demos

How to use accordion widget using HT Mega Elementor addon | Part 2 nonadult
Post Carousel Widget Sat, 02 Jul 2022 08:30:03 +0000 The HT Mega Elementor Post Carousel Widget is a stunning widget that will appeal to your readers with its beautiful design and ease of use. This plugin displays posts in carousels, giving you more space for showing off all the great content.

How to use a Post Carousel Widget of HTMega Addons

You can see the below video to get an insight into how you can use the Post Carousel Widget to create beautiful designs. Or you can follow the documentation whichever you find convenient.

Steps of adding Post Carousel Widget

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, turn ON the “Post Carousel” widget.

Step 1: How to Enable Post Carousel?

Step 2: How to use the Post Carousel Widget?

To add the Post Carousel Widget, search by “Post Carousel” and use the widget that has the “HT badge”

Drag and drop the HT Mega Post Carousel widget onto the Page Template.

Step 3: How to customize the Post Carousel Widget?

Content :

Post carousel: You have 5 different Layouts of Post Carousel. You can choose your layout from the selected options. You can On/Off the Carousel as your need

Post Options: You can change the Content Source, Change Limit, Custom Order, Order, Show/Hide Category, Yes/No Date, Yes/No Title, Title Length, Yes/No Content, Content-Length, Show/Hide Read More Button, Read More Button Text and Show/Hide Author according to your needs

Carousel Option: You can change the Slider Items, Column Space, Slider Arrow, Previous icon, Next icon, Slider dots, Pause on Hover Status, On/Off-Center Mode, On/Off Slider auto play, Autoplay speed, Autoplay animation speed, Slide Loop, and Slider item to scroll according to your needs

Carousel Option: You can change the Slider Items, Column Space, Slider Arrow, Previous icon, Next icon, Slider dots, Pause on Hover, Center Mode, Slider autoplay, Autoplay speed, Autoplay animation speed, and Slider item to scroll according to your needs.

Tablet: You can change the Slider Items, Slider item to scroll, and Tablet Resolution according to your needs.

Mobile Phone: You can change the Slider Items, Slider item to scroll, and Mobile Resolution according to your needs.

How to customize the Post Carousel Widget style

Carousel Item Style: You can customize the style of the Image Size, Item Min Height, Border Radius, and Image Overlay of Carousel Item Style as you like

Content Box Style: You can customize the style of the Content Box as you like

Content Box Bottom Border: You can customize the style of the Content Box Bottom Border as you like

Title: You can customize the style of the Title as you like

Content: You can customize the style of the Content as you like

Category: You can customize the style of the Category as you like

Meta: You can customize the style of the Meta as you like

Read More: You can customize the style of the Read More as you like

Arrow: You can customize the style of the Arrow as you like

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Post Carousel widget. Follow this link to see more Demos

How to use accordion widget using HT Mega Elementor addon | Part 2 nonadult
Post Timeline Widget Wed, 02 Nov 2022 12:08:55 +0000 With HT Mega Post Timeline Widget for Elementor, you can display all of your posts in vertical and horizontal timeline layouts. You can filter posts by author and category. It comes with a sleek design and allows for easy implementation with drag-and-drop functionality

Steps of adding Post Timeline Widget

Make sure you have installed and activated the HT Mega Pro.

Step 1: How to Enable Post Timeline Widget?

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, enable the “Post Timeline” widget.

After enabling the Post Timeline widget option press the Save Changes button to save this setting.

Step 2: How to use the Post Timeline Widget?

To add the Post Timeline Widget, search for “Post Timeline” then drag and drop the widget that has the “HT” badge.

Step 3: How to customize the Elementor Post Timeline Widget?

Once you add the Post Timeline widget, you will see Post Timeline, Display Options and Carousel Settings section under the Content tab. Now, you can update them from here.

In the Post Timeline section, you will get options to select Layout, Timeline Style, post query options.

  • Layout: You can select timeline Layout in Horizontal or Vertical.
  • Timeline Style: Select Timeline Style as your preference.
  • Content Source: Select a post type for the posts you want to show using this post timeline widget.
  • Include By: You can include posts by categories and authors.
  • Authors: You can select single or multiple author’s posts.
  • Select Categories: You can choose single or multiple categories to display post.
  • Exclude Posts: If you do not want to show certain post, add the post ID here separated by ” , “.
  • Limit: Set the posts limit for how many post you want to display,
  • Order By: You can display posts order by ID, Date, Name, Title, Comment Count and Random.
  • Custom Date: To set the custom date, select the Order By option Date, then you will get the option to set a custom date.
  • Order: You can show post order by Descending or Ascending order.

In the Display Options section, you can configure the Category, Date, Title, Title Length, Content, Content length, Read More button with button text as per your needs.

In the Carousel Settings section, you can configure the carousel Item control, Arrow Button, Dots, Equal Height column and Responsive Breakpoints as per your needs.

Step 4: How to customize the Elementor Post Timeline Widget Style?

In Style tab you can update Item, Timeline, Date, Title, Content, Thumbnail, Category, Read More, Arrow and Pagination style according to your needs.

In the Item Style section, you can change Item Alignment, Padding, Background Color, Border Radius, Content Box Spacing and many more.

In the Timeline Style section, you can change the Line color and Dot color.

In the Title Style section, you can change Title Color, Hover Color, Typography and Margin Control.

In the Content section, you can change Content Color, Typography and Margin Control.

In the Thumbnail section, you can change Thumbnail Size, Border, and Border Radius Control.

In the Category section, you can change Category Color, Background, Typography, Padding, Margin, Border Radius Control, Hover Color and Hover Background Color.

In the Read More section, you can change Read More Button Color, Background, Typography, Padding, Margin, Border Radius Control, Hover Color and Hover Background Color.

In the Arrow section, you can change Arrow Button Color, Background, Size, Padding, Border Radius, Height, Width, Position, Hover Color, and Hover Background Color.

In the Pagination section, you can change Dots Color, Background, Padding, Inner Gap, Border Radius, Height, Width, Position and Active Color.

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Elementor Post Timeline Addon. Follow this link to see more Demos

Import any section from the above preview with just a few clicks

From our Template library you can import all the blocks / page templates and modify the content as you prefer.

After Importing the Post Timeline Block, you need to update the Content source to show the posts.

How to use accordion widget using HT Mega Elementor addon | Part 2 nonadult
Post Masonry Widget Wed, 02 Nov 2022 12:07:49 +0000 By using the HT Mega Elementor Post Masonry Widget, you can display posts in a grid layout with masonry and pagination. It has a sleek design that makes it easy to use

Steps of adding Post Masonry Widget

Make sure you have installed and activated the HT Mega Pro.

Step 1: How to Enable Post Masonry Widget?

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons > Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, enable the “Post Masonry” widget.

elementor post masonry widget
After enabling the Post Masonry widget option press the Save Changes button to save this setting.

Step 2: How to use the Post Masonry Widget?

To add the Post Masonry Widget, search for “Post Masonry” then drag and drop the widget that has the “HT” badge.

post masonry widget

Step 3: How to customize the Elementor Post Masonry Widget?

Once you add the Post Masonry widget, you will see Content Source and Display Options section under the Content tab. Now, you can update them from here.

post masonry element

In the Content Source section, you will get options to select Post Type and Post filter options.

  • Post Type: Select a post type for the posts you want to show using this post timeline widget.
  • Include By: You can include posts by categories and authors.
  • Authors: You can select single or multiple authors to show their posts.
  • Select Categories: You can choose single or multiple categories to filter post.
  • Exclude Posts: If you do not want to show certain post, add the post ID here separated by ” , “.
  • Limit: How many post you want to display, set the posts limit.
  • Order By: You can display posts order by ID, Date, Name, Title, Comment Count and Random.
  • Custom Date: To set the custom date, select the Order By option Date, then you will get the option to set a custom date.
  • Order: You can show post order by Descending or Ascending order.
post masonry addons

In the Display Options section, you can configure the Category, Date, Title, Title Length, Content, Content length, Read More Button with Button text, Pagination and many more as per your needs.

Post masonry style

After enabling the Show Pagination switcher, you can get option to select pagination Next and Previous Icon change options.

post masonry addon

Step 4: How to customize the Elementor Post Masonry Widget Style?

In Style tab you can update Item, Title, Content, Thumbnail, Category, Meta, Read More, and Pagination style according to your needs.

masonry post widget

In the Item Style section, you can change Item Alignment, Padding, Background Color, Border, Border Radius, Box Shadow, Content Box Spacing and many more.

htmega post masonry element

In the Title Style section, you can change Title Color, Hover Color, Typography and Margin Control.

htmega post masonry addon

In the Content section, you can change Content Color, Typography and Margin Control.

elementor post masonry addon

In the Thumbnail section, you can change Thumbnail Size, Border, and Border Radius Control.

HT Mega addons

In the Category section, you can change Category Color, Background, Typography, Padding, Margin, Border Radius Control, Hover Color and Hover Background Color.

post masonry addon

In the Meta section, you can change Meta Color, Typography, Margin, Separator Color, and Hover Color.

elementor post addon

In the Read More section, you can change Read More Button Color, Background, Typography, Padding, Margin, Border, Border Radius Control, Hover Color and Hover Background Color.

masonry post element

In the Pagination section, you can change Color, Background, Padding, Inner Gap, Border, Border Radius, Height, Width, Position and Active Color.

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Elementor Post Masonry Addon. Follow this link to see more Demos

Import any section from the above preview with just a few clicks

From our Template library you can import all the blocks / page templates and modify the content as you prefer.

After Importing the Post Masonry Block, you need to update the Content source to show post. Sometimes this widget may not work as expected in Editor mode. But it will work in preview mode perfectly. If that happens, reload the editor mode to solve this.

How to use accordion widget using HT Mega Elementor addon | Part 2 nonadult
Dynamic Gallery Widget Tue, 07 Mar 2023 09:41:14 +0000 The HT Mega Elementor Dynamic Gallery Widget allows you to display posts in a grid layout with masonry and filterable. It has a sleek design that makes it easy to use

How to use the Dynamic Gallery Widget of HT Mega Addons

Steps of adding Dynamic Gallery Widget

Make sure you have installed and activated the HT Mega Pro.

Step 1: How to Enable Dynamic Gallery Widget?

Go to WordPress Dashboard > HTMega Addons> Settings > Elements. From the list of Elements, turn ON the “Dynamic Gallery” widget.

After enabling the Dynamic Gallery widget option press the Save Changes button to save this setting.

Step 2: How to use the Elementor Dynamic Gallery Widget?

To add the Dynamic Gallery widget, search by “Dynamic Gallery” and use the widget that has the “HT badge”

Drag and drop the HT Mega Dynamic Gallery widget onto the Page Template.

Step 3: How to customize the Dynamic Gallery Elementor Widget?

Once you add the Dynamic Gallery widget, you will see Content Source and Gallery Settings section under the Content tab. Now, you can update them from here.

The Content Source section provides various options, such as Post Type selection, Include By, Category selection, Exclude Posts, Limit, Order By, Custom Date, and Order, to customize the source of the content.

Post Type: Based on your needs, select the appropriate post type such as Posts, Products, Pages, etc.

Include By: The “Include By” option allows you to choose the category or author whose posts you want to display.

Select Categories: After selecting the “Include By” category, you will be presented with a new input field where you can specify the category of posts you wish to display. By adding categories to this field, you can display posts belonging to those categories.

Once you have selected the category, you will be able to see the filter menu, where you can add the category name and menu item name.

  • Exclude Posts: Excluding a post by entering its ID in the “Exclude Posts” field will remove that post from the display.
  • Limit: You can set a limit on the number of posts you want to display.
  • Order By: “Order by” refers to the sorting order of items in a list or query. It determines how the items will be arranged based on a date, name, title, comment count, and random.
  • Custom Date: Enabling Custom Date allows you to set a date range for your posts to be displayed. The posts falling within the specified date range of Before Date and After Date will be visible.
  • Order: “Order” allows you to sort items either in ascending or descending order.

The Gallery Settings section provides various options, such as Enable Filter Menu, Menu Style, Gallery All Label, Active Menu Number, Card Layout, Column, Column gap, Bottom Space, Show Title, Show Content, Read More Button, Popup Button, and Show Load More Button to customize the source of the content.

  • Enable Filter Menu: You have the option to hide the menu by enabling the “Enable Filter Menu” option.
  • Menu Style: You can choose your preferred menu style.
  • Gallery All Label: You can change the text of the labels in Gallery All Labels.
  • Active Menu Number: Set active menu number to highlight a specific menu item.
  • Card Layout: You can choose your preferred Layout.
  • Column: You have the option to select the number of columns that best fits your needs.
  • Column Gap: Column Gap refers to the amount of space between two columns in a layout. You can control the column gap if you want
  • Bottom Space: The bottom space option allows you to set the distance between the bottom of one item and the top of the item below it. This can help you create a more visually appealing layout by adjusting the spacing between items.

As per your requirement, you have the option to show or hide the following elements: Title, Content, Read More Button, Popup Button, and Load More Button.

How to customize the Dynamic Gallery style?

In the Style tab, you can update Menu Style, Item Style, Thumbnail Style, Title Style, Description Style, and Load More Button style according to your needs.

Menu Style: The Menu Style of your item can be personalized to your liking, allowing you to customize the style of the item according to your preferences.

Item Style: You have the option to customize the Item Style of your item, giving you the freedom to personalize the item’s appearance to suit your individual taste and style.

Thumbnail Style: In the Thumbnail section, you can change Thumbnail Size, Border, and Border Radius Control.

Title Style: You have the ability to style the title of your item by customizing its color, Hover color, typography, padding, and margins. It helps you create a unique and visually appealing title.

Description Style: Adjust your item Description colors, typography, and margins. This allows for creating compelling narratives that complement the overall style of your design.

Load More Button: You have the option to customize the style of the button according to your preferences. This allows you to create a button that is visually appealing and aligns with the overall design of your item.

Usage Examples

Here are some live use cases for the Dynamic Gallery addon. Follow this link to see more Demos

How to Use Dynamic Gallery Widget in Elementor by HT Mega nonadult